Campaign for Personal Prescription Importation
601 Rt. 206, Suite 26-423, Hillsborough, N.J. 08844
Why is prescription importation important to you?
What would happen if you didn't have affordable access to your medication?

I need meds to help control my blood sugar & heart problems. I used to spend six to seven hundred dollars monthly. Now that I import my medication, I can better afford grocery's & other necessary needs.

I won’t be able to get my blood thinner medication without importation from Canadian pharmacies. It cost me $1000.00 a month in the U.S. and now its $125.00 from Canada.
May 13, 2024

Right now both my husband and I are taking Eliquis and it gets pretty expensive.
Apr 19, 2024

I could not afford to by my medicine without importation. I was spending $300 month; now it is $58 per month.
Dec 31, 2022

Prescription importation is important to me because of lower COST! This prescription can cost as much as $245.00. I was able to purchase it through Good RX for $124.00 within the United States. I was able to purchase RX in Canada for $58.00. There was no way I could afford this at US prices.
Oct 17, 2022

I have payed 1000.00 for 6 weeks of my medication. I was unable to pay my house payment. I would die if you take away this access for my medication. I save $845.00 every six weeks. Prescription importation is helping me stay alive for my grandchildren, family, ensures the ability to take care of myself.
May 8, 2024

I would not be able to control asthma without prescription importation from Canada. The medication in the US is 3x the cost. I live paycheck to paycheck. My insurance doesn’t cover this. It cost $300+ in the US and with Good RX it still cost me $170 for one inhaler. For $150 I was able to get 3
Dec 18, 2022

I cannot get my medication in the US and there are no substitutes. It should not be so worrisome to get an old med at 80 years old!!!
Apr 12, 2023

Importation is important because it allows me to be able to afford the medication I currently take otherwise I would have to take a half a dose at a time. My medication cost 200.00 a month for 1 prescription. I found importing cost 65.00 dollars for a 3 month supply, that is 21.66 a month which is a huge savings and allows me to take the proper dosage for my hormone health. The cost savings allow me to continue spending time with my family, physically and mentally due to taking my medication as prescribed and not missing a dose. It is life changing.
Dec 5, 2022

The cost of my drugs and limiting the access to these medications gives me second second thoughts on our healthcare system. Yearly cost of just one drug is 3200$ under part d. Cost from Canada drugs is just 640$. Having the option removes the continuing stress of access to meds.
Nov 30, 2022

If I didn't get my inhaler from a Canadian pharmacy, I would have a nonstop cough. In USA best deal is 440$ per month. Through a Canadian pharmacy I get a three month supply for 320$, or about 107$ per month, saving 330$ a month.
Jun 7, 2023

The drug Eliquis will cost me $600 for three months with my prescription D coverage in the U.S. Getting it from a Canadian Pharmacy the price is $195.00 for 5 months.
Oct 6, 2022