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Day Two of the Lown Institute’s Conference kicked off with a panel discussion on the crisis of affordability moderated by Elizabeth Rosenthal, MD, author of New York Times bestseller, “An American Sickness: How Healthcare Became Big Business and How You Can Take it Back.”

As she poignantly pointed out, “No one is getting good affordable healthcare in the U.S. right now.”

Panelists highlighted several examples of high-priced drugs throughout the discussion, perhaps most notable the hefty $7,000 price tag for Deraprim. While Martin Shkreli was recently sentenced to a 7-year prison term, the drug’s price has not changed.

Panelist Alexandra Greenberg, MSPH, Global Executive Committee Member for Universities Allied for Essential Medicines shared an example of a drug that was developed through public funding that is now priced at $129,000 per year.

Dr. Rosenthal highlighted the dozens of state bills focused on lowering the high price of drugs and her expectation that the trend of states stepping up to do something will continue.

Panelists were in agreement that Americans can make a difference by sharing the story and putting pressure on lawmakers to do something. We encourage you to share your story with us and join the fight to lower skyrocketing drug prices, email us at

The conference wraps up today, you can learn more about the Lown Institute by visiting

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