Campaign for Personal Prescription Importation
601 Rt. 206, Suite 26-423, Hillsborough, N.J. 08844

Related Websites
Canadian International Pharmacy Association
Formed in 2002, CIPA has spent fifteen years working with regulators, pharmacists, physicians, patients, members of government and consumer special interest groups to continually enhance the standards by which mail-order pharmacy websites operate to protect patient safety, as well as patient savings. CIPA believes that every person around the world has the basic human right to affordable medications to protect their health, happiness, and well-being. This is what CIPA safeguards every day.
Fair Access Medicines’ mission is to identify, develop, and deliver life-saving medicines to poorly-served patients in the US and worldwide at the lowest cost possible.
People of Faith for Access to Medicines
People of Faith for Access to Medicines inspires, organizes, and nurtures a faith-based movement to make access to essential medicines a moral imperative and a fully-realized human right. PFAM builds on the foundation established by faith-based organizations playing a central role in U.S. health care, culture, and politics, the strengths of the existing access to medicines movement, and the historic legacy of faith communities making essential contributions to social movements.
Patients Beyond Borders’ mission is to help connect patients locate the highest-quality, most affordable care, and to provide information and advice that helps give confidence to make the best choice among many options. Over the past twelve years, Patients Beyond Borders has partnered with governments, industry leaders, providers and consulting groups to expand various initiatives within a complex international healthcare community.
Prescription Justice, a 501c4 non-profit organization, brings together doctors, lawyers, public health advocates, and companies dedicated to lowering drug prices in the United States. They advocate on behalf of the millions of Americans who access affordable imported medications and stand against actions by the pharmaceutical industry that mislead and misinform the public.
Additional Resources
Brussels Principles – Principles related to the sale of medicine ordered for personal use on the Internet
Rx Price Watch Report – Trends in Retail Prices of Prescription Drugs Widely Used by Older Americans, 2006 to 2015
Big Pharma – Market Failure – Video highlighting big pharma atrocities